Chorus of our link We love the sun, as a friend, And it is always nice spring. But like us, and the blizzard, And the storm we are not afraid. Rain or knocking into the tent, Whether decorated window Snow - In the morning goes on charge Chorus of our link. Chorus: Come on, Come on, guys, keep up, Walk boldly forward, Walk boldly forward, On a bright, wide roads Homeland fortunately goes. Water warmed by the rays, Kayaks away jib sail. Warm, clear summer - We give you a salute. Frowning gray autumn angry, and we do not care. (Let's angry!) Song carries systems Chorus of our link. Chorus. Winter blizzard hid Fields and woods your carpet. we too will overcome the blizzard: Skiing we always Let's go. Again Spring knocks Guests are looking out the window - Instantly from the start of rush Chorus of our link. Chorus.