Cossack We walked across the steppe Cossack regiments with Don, One Cossack only head bowed. Oh, one Cossack bored at home Horse mane occasion dropped. Oh, curls scattered in all directions. About the house Dumka tormented him. Oh, he looked into the distance blue steppe, And that was not allowed to see anything. Cossack shook his head Chubatov He said to his companions wistfully: "Oh, izbolelos heart young, Oh, how I my friends, I want to go home " Fly quickly Dorozhen'ka-road Dispel Cossack Duma and longing. Oh, reared his horse dashing And whistled saber sharp gallop. A shelf on the steppe with glory speakerphone All went on and singing nightingale. Feather, dear side, Take from the red horsemen poklon.1935