Day and night Skidded fate third battalion Kolomna tired old gramophone. He sang us on halts in front of the road Touching a girl's sad voice: "Day and night, my dear, remember me. Day and night chuzhedalney side. Day and night I followed you sing, To you my love I save in a strange land. Day and night". Everyone dreamed and repeated Day and night Chorus of this song Day and night. Somewhere near Warsaw, mine was struck, Silent Kolomna poor old gramophone. Silent on halts your songs. Were then bloody brutal battles Day and night. The soldiers moved forward. Day and night across the river we went wading. Day and walked at night after fighting with the enemy, We walked in the dust, walked in the snow, We are walking in a snowstorm and blizzard. Day and night Each step and recalled Day and night He recalled his love Day and night Met soldiers and brides and wives, I do not lie to them an old broken gramophone. But there was and there is no at me a wife. But the heart of this disturbing song from the war. Day and night, I did not sing it in vain. Day and night I'm looking for my dream. Day and night in the heart of loyalty-preserving For the one that led me into the battle and saved from the fire. Day and night. Like a lighthouse in the far seas, Day and night I'm looking for my dream Day and night. Day and night.