Donetsk night Nightingale this song roars And like the flowing stream ... Oh, Donetsk blue night, Polona you my soul ... Among the black ruins of Stalingrad And the front-line in ominous smoke, Like days of irrevocable joy, You came to life in the heart, in my heart. Departed, otgorela alarm ... Dispelled darkness over the earth And friend since childhood road We were led to the native threshold. And in the evening in the dewy valley After a day of work and worries and On the Donets and The Night Blues Youth and still sings songs. This song and the rustle of lilac, And separation, and the laughter and sadness, And love unquenchable burning The timeless ages ... Nightingale this song roars And like the flowing stream ... Oh, Donetsk blue night, Polona you soul, my soul ... 1975