For further outskirts For further outskirts, The young elms, We are a nice parting, He swore in his love. And there were three witnesses: River blue-eyed, Birch fluffy, Yes voiced nightingale. Cute long gone, Went to fight with the enemies he Came the winter is cold, Frost zalyutoval. And slim berozonka Wilted, Bare and, Froze river blue, Nightingale was gone. Lost three witnesses - Three other at nevestushki, And personally selected Unsolicited sadness. A dear from the front distal All writes to each news: "Do not grieve, my love, With the victory will go back. " Promchatsya winter blizzard, Bypass the harsh days, And everything around is filled Funny spring. And slim berozonka The foliage will put a new, And will sing Nightingale Over become blue rekoy.1955