For good friends In the festive halls, whether in a quiet room You would catch an hour of gladness - At the table you remember comrades, And they will not forget about you. You will recall the years of war, Is it possible to forget about the past? These years - intimate friends, Best place them at the table. Chorus: For good friends, Of real friends, Those with whom they are friends, We drained the cup And once again pour. For our fellowship We fill the bowl And sing a song. We are today in the silence and tranquility They gathered in a small circle of friends. And we sing for pleasure, And no family in the world amicably. In our circle of friends all equal: And miners, and soldiers, and the poet. Reserve a seat, other nice, Only enemies no place here. Chorus. Let all serious smile A song to sing silent is not a sin. This evening it really should be - To have fun enough for everyone. In the festive halls, whether in a quiet room You would catch gladness hour At the table you remember comrades, And they will not forget about you. Chorus.