If Stalin said, In our glorious country Many songs are wonderful, Happiness warms us all, I like the sun from the sky. The best of his, Most calls song We meet you, Eighteenth Congress! At the Grand Kremlin meeting The people of our homeland came together, In anticipation of Stalin's speech Throughout many shining faces. Chorus: If Stalin said, So all this will happen, If Stalin said, Become a matter of words, It's hard, we know, the Soviet people, It is known all over the world, What Stalin said. Bandura native Ukrainian plays, And the strings dombra Strikes Kazakh, Our song rushes From edge to edge, And rings, growing, Before our very eyes. And in the mountains are lit blast furnace, And in the desert dam rises, That goes to the huge communism, Our immortal Soviet people. Chorus. in our country only eyebrows children do not frown, in our country only Songs pleasing rumor Hands of women are Planes through the storm, Order of Lenin are Poet and shepherd. Word Stalin ardent cry It leads us to the top wins, I do not have the world's great majesty, The greatness of the Stalin years. Chorus. 1939