In long-haul flights In the sky, as the earring, the moon hangs ... Astern running-wave glitters ... Mother left the house, we're going on a long flight, Alien sea splash overboard. Chorus: Far, far away have friends ... Mother left the house, we're going on a long flight, Alien sea roar behind ... But only stand on the dock we Through the fog we are looking with sadness. There are home all day long waiting for a girlfriend with melancholy: Such is the custom in the sea of ​​love. Chorus: Far, far away native land .. There are home all day long waiting for a girlfriend with melancholy: Such is the custom in the sea of ​​love. From Messina to Havana I saw a foreign land, Met in the seas of the dawn, Vidal and the New World, But Russian beautiful sunrises in the world there. Chorus: Far, far away from the sailor home Met in the seas of the dawn, Vidal and the New World, But Russian beautiful sunrises in the world there. 1948