In the woods near the front (popular version) On the turret I got a radio operator, Cheerful as fire, And like a real accordion, He took in hand a squeeze. Easily touched the bass, I passed by the voices, And I played the favorite waltz Fellow soldiers. Radioman perky picked up Chant your favorite, And charges came, I joined with all my heart. We went ahead this waltz For our own people, Marching waltz, love the waltz Our friend sings About our meetings, about the girls far left And about the characters, about the children What came to the borders. Once again, we are ready to fight, Winning the fight to go, And there is no force in the world, To carry our impact Pipe alarm us singing In autumn gray haze Friends, it's time, it's time to march We leave at dawn, But the waltz as ever on their lips - Play the same accordion Favorite waltz, waltz camp, Who sang the radioman! 1950