International - Orchestra Arise curse branded, The whole world is hungry and slaves! Boils our minds outraged And in mortal combat ready to lead.   The whole world of violence we will destroy   To the ground, and then   We our we build a new world,   Who was nothing will become everything!     Chorus:     This is our last     And a decisive battle.     With the Internationale     Rise up the human race II Nobody will give us deliverance: Neither God nor the king and no hero We will achieve liberation His own hand.   To overthrow oppression skillful hand,   To regain their possessions -   Swell forge and hammer boldly,   While the iron is hot! Chorus. III Quite the blood sucking vampires, A prison, a tax reduction! You - all the power, all the good things of the world, And our right - empty sound!   We will build on the life inomu-   And that is our slogan combat:   ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE OF LABOR!   And all the parasites off! Chorus. IV You contemptible in their wealth, Coal and steel kings! You are your thrones parasites, We built on our backs.   Factories, Chambers -   All we created by our labor.   It's time! We demand the return   The fact that taken grabezhom. Chorus.  V Rather, for the sake of the kings, Intoxicate us in the fumes of the war! War tyrants! People the world! Bastia sons of the army!   When will we make the tyrants   In the battle heroically to fall for them -   Murderer in you then send   We vents combat guns! Chorus. VI Only we, the workers of the World Great army of labor! Own land have a right, But the parasites - never!   And if the great thunder clap   Over a pack of dogs and executioners,   For us, as the sun begins   Fire shine their light.     Chorus:     This is our last     And a decisive battle.     With the Internationale     Rise up the human race! 1936