Manechka Our story is quite serious Born in one farm Like a rose blossom Manechka No matter how you look - very beautiful Ali lips, blue eyes Spit Russes, well, in short, Manechka Manu often rewarded The guys all over it suffered Old men after her, shouting: "Manya!" See all the special talent Let him going to school Agriculturist began to Manechka Well, come on, the farm is not poor The chairman's Victory The Institute in the capital goes Manechka Send gifts to her home Gently write: "We are waiting for a diploma. Come agronomist, Manya. " Write, write - no answer They're coming, Manyu looking somewhere Tracked. "Is it you, Manya?" No eyebrows disappeared braids In fig knocked down millet color Rot yellow apricot. Manya! She says seriously to them: "I'm sorry, eh, you do not know I am now a completely different Manechka. I want to live in the family I