Marsh youth On boulevards, squares over Flame of banners. Our youth as a bright banner We carry along the noisy columns. We waved in greeting friends, Dahl before us bright and clear; This spring, our happiness, It is the birthplace of our spring! Chorus: On the ground, our country is stronger there, On the ground, our spring is lighter there, In the world of the sky is not bright, In a world of happiness is not complete, In the world of youth is no more beautiful! We have always and in all won, And we strive forward to victories; In the cradle of us nurtured Stalin And grow our Soviet people. We are proud of our mothers, We know our friends - we are strong; We have been given a great honor to be called Young Soviet country. Chorus. Those who threaten our spring Let remember - our nation is one, We know how to grow crops, The city rising from the ruins. Our happiness, extracted blood Every breath of our peaceful spring Guard with filial love Sons of the working people. Chorus: On the ground, our country is stronger there, On the ground, our spring is lighter there, In the world of the sky is not bright, In a world of happiness is not complete, In the world of youth is no more beautiful! 1948