Note at the start! If the winter, if winter, Winter is growing chill - We're on blue, we are on the blue We leave the rink. We always meet you with joy, our mnogogradusny Frost. And watch hundreds zlaz For each of us, Only hear a familiar whistle: Chorus: Note at the start! We track calls running. Note at the start! Let us wind after flying! / Option: Be ready to victory to go! / Note at the start! Who wins the battle in sports - He is always and everywhere, and hard work, And in the bitter struggle to win! If it's hot, if it's hot, It turned out to be a hot denok - Kayaking, kayak The river our way far. We are waiting for all the broad, green The vast expanses of the stadium. And watch hundreds zlaz For each of us, Only hear a familiar whistle: Chorus. If... / Record breaks /