Recently we were at home ... Lit candles ogarochek, Thunders Nedalniy fight. Pour, friend, a glass of vodka, According to our front-line! Pour, friend, in a cup, According to our front-line "! Friendly but simply Talk with you. Do not waste time, Friendly but simply Pogovorrim with you. Recently we were at home ... Blossoms native spruce, As if in a fairy tale-nebyli, To distant lands. As if in a fairy tale-nebyli, To distant lands. On her new needles, Honey on it. On her new needles, A lump all spruce, Honey on it. Where crumbling tree, Where Christmas tree stand, Which year beauty Walk without kids. Which year beauty Walk without kids. Without us, the girls seem to That the stars do not burn. Without us, the girls seem to What month is smeared with soot, And the stars do not burn. Lit candles ogarochek, Thunders Nedalniy fight. Pour, friend, a glass of vodka, According to our front-line! .. 1945