Red flag - Итальянский Forward people on the Range (*) Red flag, red flag Forward people to the Rescue Red flag will triumph!   Red flag will triumph!   Red flag will triumph!   Red flag will triumph!   Long live socialism and freedom! (**) The exploited the immense group Raises the pure, red flag O proiletari, to the rescue Red flag will triumph!   Red flag will triumph!   Red flag will triumph!   Red flag will triumph!   The fruto job will go to those who work! From the fields to the sea, from the mine From the shop, the suffering and hopes Both ready and the time of the rescue Red flag will triumph!   Red flag will triumph!   Red flag will triumph!   Red flag will triumph!   Only socialism and true freedom! No more enemies, no more borders The borders are red flags, Or socialists to the Rescue Red flag will triumph!   Red flag will triumph!   Red flag will triumph!   Red flag will triumph!   Only in socialism peace freedom! Falange bold conscious and proud Unfurl the red flag sun Workers on the Range Red flag will triumph!   Red flag will triumph!   Red flag will triumph!   Red flag will triumph!   Long live communism and freedom! (***) ---------------------------- Прототипом музыки послужили две ломбардские народные песни (по другой версии, венецианская любовная песня). * Первоначально: "Fellow forward to the rescue." ** Часто "communism" вместо "socialism." *** Если в первом припеве поется "communism", то последний припев: "Long live Lenin, peace and freedom." 1908