Resurrected ausRuinen / Гимн ГДР -Немецк Rising from the Ruins And faced towards the future, LaЯ serve you for the good, Germany United fatherland. Old woes have to be conquered, And we force them together, For it muЯ us succeed DaЯ the sun never schцn About Germany seems. Glьck and peace be granted Germany, our fatherland. All the world longs for peace, Presents the Vцlkern your hand. If we brьderlich one us Hitting is the people enemy! LaЯt the light of peace seem DaЯ no mother ever again Her son wept. LaЯt us pflьgen, laЯt us build Learn and work as never before, And its own strength, trusting, A free generation will come forth. German youth, the best endeavor, Our people combined in you, Are you going to Germany new life, And the sun never schцn About Germany seems.