Rifle From the south to the Ural You walked with me Guerrilla trail. And enemies, happened, many fell Where we waded you. Chorus: Ah, Bei, rifle, aptly, cleverly, No mercy for the enemy! I told you, my rifle, Sharp sword will help. You and now is the same - Day and night guard In the border area. Next we see the enemy, Rustle catch everyone We know all the tricks of the enemy. No wonder the enemy is angry: Shut the border. Not retreat ever! We have no greater honor - we remain together In the army, my homeland forever. We are ready for battle With an army lyuboyu. Kohl will have to fight, We will fight the two - Me and you with me, Together we habitually win. / Verse, which tells about the events at Lake Hassan in 1938 / In the battle we have recently, They fought gloriously: Japanese lesson was given. I fought not one you- grants help In the battle near Lake Hassan! / Verse, which tells about the Second World War battles in 1941 / The enemy is not the gift of angry, The enemy is not in vain boitsya- Guerrilla our mouth. Night - he can not sleep, And fall asleep - so dream Clear guerrilla gun! 1938