Rifle With Bug to Ural You walked with me Guerrilla trail. And enemies, happened, many fell Where we waded you. Chorus: Hey, beat, rifle, aptly, cleverly, No mercy for the enemy! I told you, my rifle, Sharp sword will help. You and now is the same - Day and night guard In the border area. Next we see the enemy, Rustle catch everyone We know all the tricks of the enemy. Chorus. No wonder the enemy is angry: Shut the border. Not retreat ever! We have no greater honor - We stay together In the army, my homeland forever. Chorus. We are ready for battle With an army lyuboyu. Kohl will have to fight, We will fight the two - Me and you with me, Together we habitually win. Chorus: Hey, beat, rifle, aptly, cleverly, No mercy for the enemy! I told you, my rifle, Sharp sword pomogu.1939