Road Zmeitsya under the wheels of steel sheet, Tirelessly, tirelessly watching, I look out the window. Forests, plains Russian, hills bushes yes, Platform of wood, iron bridges ... Chorus: My favorite, familiar, broad, green, Native land, Motherland, Privolnoe habitation! Oh, how much I have ever heard, oh, how much I ezzheno, Oh, how much I have passed - and everything around my! The brick factory - tall chimney, The whitewashed hut, the threshing in the field ... And yet the heart is expensive, and there is a mile and a half, Village or city, that was a stranger to you. Chorus. Already the dew of the glasses already see the moon, And I'm chained to the car window ... It is time to highlights by night lights, And I look at the twilight and quietly say: Chorus: My favorite, familiar, broad, green, Native land, Motherland, Privolnoe habitation! Oh, how much I videno, oh, how much I ezzheno, Oh, how much I have passed - and everything is now my 1949!