Sailor on horseback Who is it rides on the road On zealous on horseback? If bezkozyrki tape I had imagined. I see in the moonlight: Sailor sitting on a horse. - Hey, man, what the wind Has brought on the horse you? Chorus: The sailors are fighting everywhere, On water and on zamle, But I have not yet met Sailor on horseback! Then the sailor stopped And I said to the horse: - Kuban I was born, Cossack blood in me. I Fatherland everywhere nearby, Native land - everywhere you look, I fought at Leningrad For darling Kuban! Chorus: The sailors are fighting everywhere, On water and on zamle, Do not be surprised also, brother, Sailor on horseback! - And now from morpehoty I then jump into the dust, What we need again the fleet: Re-order "on the ship!" So come on surprising Seeing the horse sailors - To get more to the fleet, I'm on the line ready to sit down! Chorus: The sailors are fighting everywhere, On water and on land, But the soul of a sailor In the native ship! And Sailor spurred his horse, The horse jerked, as if in battle, Similarly, he left the sea There, beyond the thicket of the forest ... Tapped hoof clatter, Rode ahead sailor I smiled widely, I thought to himself like this: Chorus: - Sailors fighting everywhere, On water and on land, But the soul of a sailor In the native ship! 1944