Take the new rifle Take the new rifles, Bayonet - flags! And with songs in shooting Come mugs. /Time! Two! All - in a row, Next, the unit! 2p. / / Missed verse: When the war-blizzard Come again, We should be able to aim, To be able to shoot. Walk cooler! Aim better! / And if the army will move My country We will orderlies In all the battles. / Wound in the forest - By his will bear! 2p. / Silently Exploration - Quiet leg - For stone and the branches Find the enemy! / I crawl day, night - His pomoch.U-2p. / / Redo 1st couplet / /Time! Two! All in a row! Walk detachment! 2p. / / Orchestral loss / /Time! Two! All - in a row, Next, the unit! 2p. / 1940