The park at the Mamayev Kurgan The park at the Mamayev Kurgan I planted an apple tree widow Attach to the apple tablet, On the board gave the word: "My husband was at the front of the lieutenant, He died in the forty-second year, Where his grave, I do not know So here I come to cry. "           Girl planted birch:           "I did not know his father,           I only know that he was a sailor,           I know that fought until the end. "           Woman planted rowan:           "In the hospital, he died of his wounds,            But the love I have not forgotten,           Because I go to the mound. " Let the years erased the inscriptions, They had not been able to read. The sun will reach the tree And in the spring of birds fly. And the trees stand like soldiers, And they are the storm, and in the heat. They are - lost once TO- Come to life every spring.