The question remains open The lecture once the question was asked, The question was very toxic. The answer is not found, the lecturer muttered under his breath: "The question remains open." We liked the clever technique, There are many possibilities hidden in it. We welcome this as a chorus propoom. "The question remains open." "Victory" has already bought my neighbor, He runs very well. And though I have "Moskvich" even no- I do not envy him personally. He spends the night in the car shaking A day goes overlooking killed. I went to the third year, but what about the garage The question remains open. Lives without stinting our familiar one, Often, guests taking. Bought a TV, a lot of pictures, And in the summer in the Crimea, rest. In the movie theaters, and he likes to come In the suit, fashionably tailored ... What should be my mother fifty poslat- The question remains open. Imagine, in a restaurant We were a few days ago the whole family. This gave us a warm welcome, That I will not hide admiration. Leaving the cozy dining room We all admired narpitom ... Is it true that Nechayev said- The question remains open. Here's how to explain that sometimes concerts It found unresponsive audience? Suddenly he rushed to the wardrobe boom When the end of three minutes. Artists he appreciates, you see around, To love the art of burning it ... Or galoshes dearer to him? The question remains open.