Viva La Revolución - Spanish La tierra gira y gira, No dejará de girar, Y los tiempos van cambiando Nadie lo puede evitar. Chorus: Mira que ya viene la revolución, Para que se asustan sera pa 'mejor. Es el pueblo entero el que ya está gritando: "¡Viva la revolución!" It really is carried out in nature: Sun hiding shadow And the new, light comes In place of the old day. Forward, throwing doubt! Open the door to the future! With the people or against you - The issue is now.          Chorus: Believe: Revolution - is not a dream, So let clogged heart in unison. Rise, brothers, And picked up the slogan: Viva la Revolucion! For those who lied repeatedly, Paycheck nastaot: They speeches - Democrats In fact - robbing the people, But now we will not be deceived Their phrases deceit and flattery. In the struggle banners will Freedom of conscience and honor! Chorus. The soldiers, the children of the people! Your uniform - the form, not the essence. You are with us for freedom You should pave the way! We are not afraid of sirens, The people united strong. Forward - our slogan: Viva la Revolucion! Chorus. 1972