War with War Grows and gains strength unanimous chorus, He can be heard in the whole world. And at midnight a secret conversation Dealers are in efire- Come true dark dealers Deadly cargo to all parts. Go to Angola in Seoul, In Scotland, in Saigon, Under the hundreds of seals - stocks of bombs, Death hundred thousand tons. Okay, sent luggage - Projectiles and everything else - Today will unload Dockworkers. They have long been waiting for work - The people are hungry, And it takes for any work, Anytime, anywhere. But heard the angry response Labor Unions: "Today there is no free hands For deadly cargo! " Though Loader loads needed He will not be out of the holds Carry shells for the war By the will of moneybags. The decision to take one Labor unions: For security - to the bottom Send your goods! Do not rake you over heat Working hands Let otchalat Salazar And Franco, together with you! Not hide your light of day night worrying shadow The whole world is ready for war with war, The whole world is honest work! To voice howling sirens I do not sound the alarm, I decided to go to Raymond Dien On the road surface. Before her, with a screech of wheels, On the road between polkstankov, stopped locomotive With a heavy load tanks. There is not a solid wall, Than those living people, What can as Raymond Dien, Guns found feeding. Powerful and united efforts Dispel anxiety Earth. So death scatters dust From volley with korablya.1950 boards