We'll live happier ............. rule (?) .................... The power of Stalin's people Bowed low. About about mildew showers Yes Do not suffer us to nighttime, In the guard band Let grow mushrooms. Plum, pear, poplar, Apple and maple Opoyashut us field Green sash. Tight tree stands Stalin's ours From the winds of fences, As a soldier on guard. Nedorodny, hot year We are not enemies Bole: Lurking meltwater We Zapasom sea. If the sky with rain Will irregularities, Our cornfields we polom, Like flowers in the garden. Carp in our ponds, Ducks divorce, And Nightingales in the gardens Songs flooded. Let's go through the fields to their - Breathe freely. Nowhere is better not to find Niva grassland. And the wealth of the countryside A blossom, Zazhivom we have fun And richer by half!