merry link He walks down the street Merry link Nobody around knows, Where it goes. Friends marching in step, No one behind, And the songs all the way Those who are with us, he sings: Chorus: If the song is sung everywhere, If the song can be heard everywhere, / So fun lives everywhere, So, the song needs everywhere! 2p. / On the street wider We go with books, On the street - a tall, A spacious new home. We belong to our school, We enter the light class And with a song fun All friends meet us. Chorus. So a friend in the world Not terrible personal: One for all, in response, And all for one. And if someone stumbles, On the road will fall, He gets up, smiles And still sing: Chorus. And we can everything bypass road - A friendly, we did not meet, Happier to be found. And no country is stronger, The one where we live. Let's amicably Our motherland sing: Pripev.1937