And again in the yard You do not be sad, maybe even meet, I do not run away from you anywhere. But in no way I will stay I months, A return at least for a night here. Chorus: And again in the yard We record singing, And say goodbye to you Still can not give! Do not take your hand, please, As fate would have neither developed for us. Tomorrow forget me, my mother perhaps, But a kiss goodbye at least once. Chorus The shoes on the studs, in the thin sweater, Silly, tormented everything you one thing: How would a girlfriend you have not seen And old men that knock on the domino. Chorus Lips do not hide and looked around not, You better as you like, and I like Remember apartment hundred and twenty-ninth, Your flame on the sixth floor. Chorus You do not be sad, maybe even meet, I do not run away from you anywhere. But in no way I will stay I months, A return at least for a night here. Chorus 1962