And planes do not fly Miss and loved the house, We worry, to be honest. But every day buzzing airfields And the ships hold way into the sea. And planes do not fly, But ships do not sail. A mother does not always understand us, Still, ever understand. Meet us at the threshold In the winter cold, autumn - rain. But the thread runs into the forest road, And the city picks up the floors. A ATVs do not tread, And new developments do not grow. And the wife is not always understand us, Still, ever understand. That is not enough days in the week, Sometimes we have to regret: The most important thing is not what we had, And the fact that there is still time to. And just like that luck does not happen, And just like that victory will not come. And children do not always understand us, Still, ever understand. Russian Soviet songs (1917-1977). Comp. N. Kryukov and I. Shvedov. M., "artist. lit. "1977 1969