Christmas tree Whatever the morning - the novelty, Every day - full of wonders! Look-ka - near the market Per night up coniferous forest! Shines with frost on the needles, A crowd of around snuot. / This means - tree tomorrow, So, tomorrow - New Year 2p /!. Chorus: I dressed better For such a case - Let me admire All my friends! Hello, barbed, The best, Hello, green Yol (Pts) ka mine! Life goes cheerful march, Veysya snow veil! Tomorrow will be a year older - I and my country! All friends in a smart room Our tree will gather, / And the own Stalin Will meet the New Year with us! 2p. / Chorus. I grieve and sigh, Just I can not find the words: Oh, what we have is Tree only once a year? Pours song bezumolku Stronger and stronger / So shining over us, tree, Holiday of my youth! 2p. / Pripev.1940