Goodbye, Papanin ice floe The Arctic Ocean Against North tornadoes Fought Ivan Papanin Two hundred and seventy nights. Guarded by four other The red flag of his native land - Until then while the south Icebreakers did not come! Chorus: Goodbye Papanin ice floe Polar darkness, polar snow Finished formidable duel - Element humbled man! unbridled nature Infinity-edge ... Will powerful people Able to win friends. The ocean is harsh and angry, But adversity behind. The Braves look to the north And sing to the whole country: Chorus. Curl of smoke in the sea spray, Pours happiness on earth: Sons loved their fundamentals Wise Stalin waiting in the Kremlin. People in the Great Northern Wilderness With this name we have been Flies on an ice floe The red flag of his native land! Chorus. 1938