Holiday Leningrad Nevsky is very wide, we too small For walking and holiday songs. Over you, Leningrad, This song sounds, It's loud singing Leningrad! You're so good, native Leningrad, That Romanians and Indians, Poles and a Frenchman - Oh I say! Chorus: Vastness of space, design your fence - We are passionate about your festive attire! Native town, in the heart of you, we wear. No, you can not not love, Leningrad! Light breeze whips the banners, Immense Palace Square. Well here in the morning, Good evening - For the celebrations for the victory of Leningrad! Goes, goes, goes, my squad, Over thee banners Victoriously burn Dear Leningrad! Chorus. You - the sea gate of power, Cradle of our valiantly glory From the ports of the whole earth We were going ships, And welcome guests from Leningrad! You're so good, native Leningrad, That Romanians and Indians, Poles and a Frenchman - Oh I say! Chorus. /orc. loss / Native town, in the heart of you, we wear. No, you can not not love, Leningrad! 1967