Song about Kochubei In this village clicked cry Vania Kochubei: "Boys, turns black owl Rodney steppes! Equip the horse to the battle! I fell hard year: At home to Kuban Shkuro himself is coming! " It rose like a forest of thick, Spikes and blades. Kochubey leads to a fight Formidable shelves! For the happiness of the people We went to the battle, Dolyushku for free, For freestyle Kuban! military time to was, A long tortuous path. Poludonnye wind Burned his chest. Dawn was rising, Fall again ... Overturned in the sea The boys of the enemy army. But among green cornfields, Amid native steppes Rampant head cupped Kochubey dad ... For the happiness of the people We went to the battle Dolyushku for free, For freestyle Kuban! Where he fought Kochubei Where he spent the storm, Now visible in the steppes Peace cart. There are herds of horses, And sheep - are not considered, Grapes and Kavun - All the collective farms there! Hear, dad Kochubei As ordinary people In the Kuban to native Happy lives? For the happiness of the people We went to the battle, Dolyushku for free, For freestyle Kuban! 1938