Song front shoemakers Getcha, getcha, our shoemaker's hammer, We work goes goes. Getcha, getcha, as in the hour of danger alarming Knocking in combat "Maxim" -machine guns. We have one road frontline, She heard the familiar steps. Go ahead, a fighter, not tired, You soul mending boots! Chorus: Wear, wear, do not wear out, And who did - do not ask, But remember, where was possible to see. Walk - Goody soles Good selection, Indeed, in every case you need a nail! /-2r./ I remember, remember the eyes of blue - Maiden to the health of the heart come. There are others, "love" - ​​a simple, We have a love of shoes began. I fixed her shoes in the fashion, And giving to the house hold. I talked, of course, about the weather And the same evening passionately loved. Chorus. In combat, there are many such, What not to say, the pen can not describe: He lays his hand with a bullet fighter When it began to creep up the German. He wanted to pull off boots with Breastfeeding And behind the heel so it was pulled, When a fighter shoed - of the rifle, And boots - in the face, there is strength! Pripev.1943