Song of Marshal Timoshenko Rides, rides on horseback Tymoshenko On the green, the dewy ants Battle flag in front of winds, Hey, my friend, companion, look! His feet rush the field, Make way for the trees, poplars ... Behind him the wind, the wind did not keep up, Blossoms in the gardens of scarlet poppy. That's not poppies bloom, the troops Waiting in line was the commander. Gold shines saber at his side, So that in the attacks menacing beat the enemy. Rides, rides on horseback Tymoshenko, According to the native and blooming side. the broad Ukraine, in the steppes, According to the green, on the banks of the Danube. For the People's Commissar, but for his marshal We'll go in and battle formidable win! Stalin banner winds ahead ... Hey, my friend, comrade Look! 1940