Song of starlings For many years, in the spring from the south The house with a withered willow Starling flew with a friend On the Arbat in your birdhouse. But one morning in March, Returning back home, I could not find it on the Arbat House with dried willow ... Chorus: On the ground, there are roads everywhere And in Moscow, all lead the way. Cities on earth very much, But such as Moscow, does not find it! Very proud, very important Concrete and glass I have grown seven-story house Where the hut was ... Starling did not recognize the Arbat - Everywhere new palaces! And Arbat guys Sing like starlings: Chorus. Starling looked offended A high house a stranger, Suddenly he saw on the roof Their birdhouse blue. These are children, those who lived In the house with dry willow, Take with them not forgotten Blue birdhouse his own. Chorus. 1939