Song of the oath I, the glorious motherland defender and a warrior, I, the son of his father's labor, I swear and I promise that I will be worthy of High rank of soldier. No wonder the people I gave the oath And the birthplace of all sworn - In combat, retreat, I'm not a single step And chest go to the enemy. I am full of courage, I am strong and young, And in the fight for the truth, I'm going to - For the land, for freedom, for cepn and hammer For our red star. I swear people and nice Fatherland And to fulfill their oath: I will not spare no blood, no life, With fighting enemies in combat. I'm going to the Soviet power our Adequately and safely stored And the Red Army's heroic glory Do not let anyone drop! I, the glorious motherland defender and a warrior, I, the son of his father's labor, I swear and I promise that I will be worthy of High Rank fighter! 1939