The song about the glorious battles X-th Army pipe combat Roars no tar, Tymoshenko rushing in combat fire. And, sword flashing, With daring playing, Flies arrow Dundich on horseback. Wormwood in the open, Boundless as the sea, Far away on the edge of the field of battle rumbles. There is where the wild, Eh, on the wide field Cavalry battle unfold! We flew like birds, For lovely village, Us - Voroshilov Rider - Commander! For the Red Tsaritsyn We will firmly fight, We will answer blow for blow! Wormwood in the open, Boundless as the sea, Far away on the edge of the field of battle rumbles. There is where the wild, Eh, on the wide field Cavalry battle unfold! Oh, smashing the cadets The cavalry of the Soviets, Flees Mamontov - Cossack general. driving Ulagai Dashing cavalry, Cavalry Budyonny - mighty barrage! About Guest fleeting, About wind migratory, Fly to his native home, where the mother longs. From native son Old woman whisper the word, Say that we can win! Hey you, lads, lads! About Guest fleeting, About wind migratory, Fly to the village, the quiet Don ... pipe combat Roars no tar, Krasnov come from all sides! The number of and the fight! The enemy, the enemy! Freestyle (?) Battle destroy the enemy! Oh, we will fight for the Tsarina, We will defend the Volga shore! pipe combat Roars no tar, Tymoshenko rushing in combat fire. And, sword flashing, With daring playing, Flies arrow Dundich on horseback. Lava Grozny fly fighters, Tenth Army Red fighters we! Oh, swords for battle Over the enemy's head! All we Tenth Army fighters! For all the people of his native Stalin - forward! All forward! 1940