Under the banner of the Motherland You remember, the country Russia! As we spread their wings. All streets - barricade The nights were tough! Chorus: It will be the planet better. Will be stronger than good. Listen, mate, listen The rhythms of the days to come! We went through fire and disaster Until the light of his victory. The future open to us Workers and poet. Chorus: It will be the planet better. Will be stronger than good. Listen, mate, listen The rhythms of the days to come! Favorite our building - You are our best songs, We have grown unruly, And we are not afraid of anything. Chorus: It will be the planet better. Will be stronger than good. Listen, mate, listen The rhythms of the days to come! And here we are on the road again. We are kind and severe. Under the banner of our Motherland 2 * Always ready to fight. Chorus: It will be the planet better. Will be stronger than good. Listen, mate, listen The rhythms of the days to come! options: * Get up to fight, Russia! Believe fair power. * 2 Under the banner of the revolution Version of the name "Rise to fight, Russia", "Under the banner of the revolution" 1977