first Horse Only heaven edge podernetsya Knees border. Fly to me, Budyonny, Before Don home. A black horse, Do not stand under me, Fly stele without rest Don party. Run, run, funnels, The good side, Gray, dun, Flashed above the clearing. Gray, light chestnut, storm fly! Gray, light chestnut, storm fly! While silent without a shout In the steppes of merlin, Back in Sal district Fighters do not count. Black horse ... etc. Look now spacious Which fields, And it was under Kastornaya Crowded, dusty, Black horse ... etc. Days are stingy and pozdnenki, Guety pm And there were all farmers Fighters yesterday. My horse ... etc. You give us your protection, Country Bands, We strike targeted, Blades are hot, My horse ... etc. 1929