friends song Wind young at all the edges, Goodbye, school days! We promise fun way to meet a lot of, We meet new friends! Chorus: Do not be sad! Do not be sad! Sing a song! Sing a song! Sing a song! Life is good, my friend! Slishom, the heart says: Ahead of open space Winged wind track. Happiness, fame, exploits - all in front, Forever our youth in a way, Minutes of parting will come true desires, All you will find what you want to find. Chorus. We are in the forest merry lights will light, Along the paths untrodden pass, Secrets of the mountain open, the city is built, New roads will spend. Chorus: Do not be sad! Do not be sad! Sing a song! Sing a song! Sing a song! Life is good, my friend! Slishom, the heart says: Ahead of open space Winged wind putevoy.1948