kinky guy Man curly, Handsome and dashing, What have you left us? Next we go, Sight is not reducible With brown eyes and wicked! Well, wait a minute, wait a minute, The young lad. After all, in you we are not tea soul! You're shooting with one of us Take a walk though denok. What we are not good ?! - Oh, dear, Lyuba's family, Eh I'll go out and sing ?! In the dark of the night The clear eyes Kindly if I could look? If my heart According maiden longs, A maiden does not love me. If there is a past, I was not looking, Proud my love ?! Sing, play, Tell her: However, I want to be with her. What am I in the spring early sometimes The army going to serve. - So farewell, dear Our young fighter! Take care of you homes. And I come home, And will dance with you Proud of your love. - So farewell, dear Our young fighter! Take care of you homes. - And I'll be back home, And will dance with me Proud my love! 1930