partisan The sun burns, quiet valley, Has died down in the valley of the battle. "Where are you, my daughter Irina, What happened to you? Ile your ear does not hear, Ile reached you into trouble ... Answer me! - Your old Brought water to you! " Daughter is silent, does not answer, It does not go ahead, home does not meet his mother, Spring water does not drink. She sleeps under the sun burning, She sleeps with a gun in his hand In bulk, on fuel, Bloodstained sand. Mother tired hands Digging the ground for it, Strand of hair has taken on a memory And another took a gun. And on the mountain rapids Over rocks and sand, With his people went On fascist shelves. For the country has gone home, For great things. And in spring water, What I was not drunk. Heart in anger, in the heart of the mountain, Heart cries and sings In the valleys and on the hills Division was ahead! 1947