rocket watch And again in the campaign - an alarm is heard, And jack removed, and cold sunset. We mail you girls do not write, | And it is not finished smoking his "Dukat." | 2 times Again, easy to stem wave of cuts, And the night feels the radar Mate. And he sees night coast, | And he sees the sea as a whole. | 2 times Star of the Seas, today we shine! Hold on, buddy, stronger at the helm! After all, at the stern of the brigantine missile | Lies Soviet land! | 2 times You go to sleep, a country of boundless open spaces - We order - will be strong steel! Behind the wall of the storm, and in the holds of the ship | Rockets heavy side. | 2 times And like the light of a giant volcano, Night mist cut in half, For the ends of the earth, the ocean ridge | Gone rocket boom. | 2 times Dawn rises in distant garrisons, Bears horses Anxiety Attack. Is the owner of the blue horizon - | Simple missile hour! | 2 raza1965