song journalists Man on map subsided, And its friendly understand: Heart he has long been on the road - A new day, where you bring? Where the caravan worries rare Sun laden with sand dunes, Where will continue to track seven-year period, We are with you go early in the morning Three days to walk, unable to sleep for three days For the sake of a few lines in the newspaper ... If you start again, I would choose again Endless trouble the And that gave the record a miner, The pilot climbed above the stars, Previously, all tell a reporter, From the bottom to the sky bridge building He was a radio operator at night listening to the blizzard, Milestones in the field of pacing with an agronomist, Brother was companion and friend People on the eve of a stranger Truth in the life of the faithful in all things, This truth ever-burning light Came from his notebooks To posterity through the thickness of years Bought in the way cigarettes Do not be sad, my love, my dear ... The path name is the distant planet, But before I close uletayu1960