song of youth For peace, young people! You will find happiness, If you lift up the banner of friendship! We - the working people and always know: With us, Stalin, win with us! We have friendship through the storm sweeps And we believe in your celebration, We happiness and peace do not ask - do not ask! - We ourselves will achieve it! Chorus: In the brave and the young one is true - And faith alone! We have a young and courageous will of one - And one song! And the song flies, broad and strong. In all languages ​​we understand it: World! World! World! We have many friends, you can not break us! There are around ordinary people. And if we stand a wall of steel, We swear - will be no war! Will not be lightning guns On earth peace to rage! And the guy in Berlin will not - will not be! - In Moscow Man shoot! Chorus. Mighty and great sounds our appeal Every hour the stronger and wider! Romanians and Indians, a Pole and a Frenchman: In every heart - the dream of the world! We love, dream and make friends, And engaged in peaceful work, And we do not need a translator - do not need! - We will understand each other's heart! Pripev.1951