Damage destructor Crowd disruptor Youth corruptor Everytimer! Yeah Damage destructor Crowd disruptor Mainliner Everytimer! Taste me Taste me Succumb to me Succumb to me Taste me Taste me Succumb to me Succumb to me! Serial thrilla Serious killa Serial thrilla Serious killa Serial thrilla Serious killa Serial thrilla Serious killa! Damage destructor Crowd disruptor Mainliner Everytimer! Taste me Taste me Succumb to me Succumb to me! Serial thrilla Serious killa Serial thrilla Serious killa Serial thrilla Serious killa Serial thrilla Serious killa (Killa! Killa! Killa! Killa!)! Damage destructor Crowd disruptor Mainliner Everytimer! Taste me Taste me Succumb to me Succumb to me! Serial thrilla Serious killa Serial thrilla Serious killa Serial thrilla Serious killa Serial thrilla Serious killa (Killa! Killa! Killa! Killa!)! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! ____________________ Name Serial Thrilla Artist The Prodigy Album The Fat Of The Land