fifteen fires Fifteen fires are burning in the land From Chukotka snow to the mountain of the Carpathians. Fifteen fires - millions of children, Fearless honesty yes, yes fiery glance. You a closer glance at the lights - And once again come to life those immortal days And the red horses, and the gloomy smoke And the rider, who died very young. Chorus: Proud lyrics - lyrics fathers. At the heart of the brave young soldiers. Faithful will be forever Truth flaming scarlet fires! /2 times/ Fifteen republics - Fifteen fires. Their light reaches the far-off worlds. A bonfire blazed pioneer parade From the spark of sincere friendship guys. They - our revolution salute. Look at them, Comrade, and again come to life Under the sky of lead, a red star Heroes who lived in an embrace with a thunderstorm. Chorus: Proud lyrics - lyrics fathers. At the heart of the brave young soldiers. Faithful will be forever Truth flaming scarlet fires! /2 times/ Orchestral losing the first two lines of the chorus. Faithful will be forever Truth flaming scarlet fires! /2 times/