2020-01-06 14:46:37 +01:00

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931 B

The Ballad of trumpeters
Pipes, tubes!
Sounded at the beginning of the alarm
Pipes, tubes!
Red Cossacks knew the path-way
Steeds to saddle
The edge of the Soviets to defend
A! A! A! A!
The edge of the Soviets to defend
A! A! A! A!
The edge of the Soviets to defend
The sun, the sun!
It shone above the ground as a banner
The sun, the sun!
It flew across the steppes with the Cossacks
It's no wonder it in the night
woke trumpeters
A! A! A! A!
woke trumpeters
A! A! A! A!
Our sun, our sun
woke trumpeters
Pipes, tubes!
The forty-five singing you win
Pipes, tubes!
You have saved for fathers, our grandfathers
And fathers to sons, preserved to our days
A! A! A! A!
Preserved to our days
Steppe, steppe!
Do not forget you're a bloody flight!
It will be necessary - we can protect our glory!
The banner of their country, the glory of true trumpet!
A! A! A! A!
Glory true trumpet!
Our banner, our glory
Glory true trumpet! 1960