emilekm2142 0340c3426a final
2020-01-09 21:13:45 +01:00

22 lines
588 B

The song is about a hero
Where circling over the river breeze,
Where the sad willow over the water,
Very early on the blue dawn,
I was struck by the young commander.
With fighting just friends,
Where the sad willow over the water,
For three days he fought with the enemy,
I do not give up the young crewman.
"Let the dead, but the damned Nazis
Do not go here for ever and ever! "
And he waved his last grenade,
Undermining himself and enemies!
Where circling over the river breeze,
Where the sad willow over the water,
Very early on the blue dawn,
He was slain commander molodoy.1946